Saturday 26 June 2010

Happy Friends



Elizabeth A Happy Friends. said...

Este es un excelente blog para que los niños aprendan Inglés de una forma didáctica y entretenida promoviendo la enseñanza del idioma extranjero y motivando a los visitantes gracias a la distinta e interesante propuesta del blog.
Muchas gracias por sus comentarios y sugerencias!!
by Nicole Campos
UST English Pedagogy 3rd year.

English teachers said...

well done girls!

I know that children will love it, everything is perfect :)

English teachers said...

very good blog girls, congrats!!! very colorful,and attractive. it is what children want and need...
try to continue with this project as far as you can. it is more than a tool for children but also it is very good as a teacher tool...very useful.
congratulation again. ;)

Felipe Mieres